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12 Days of Aymas - Day 7


Aymas - Day 7

Every day of Aymas, we're going to be granting five wishes from the Wish Thread, where you wish other users something special. This means that all together, sixty people will be having some extra special holidays!

Wish 31

By Yusei & Jack (#76)

Abso over in 873. She is just just an angel. She is so nice and sweet, letting her friends use her slashbot free of charge instead of selling the slots. Giving away her event currency for others to get what they want, always there to listen to anyone that needs to rant/rave. I know she always says she doesn't want anything but I think she would love a Bottle Starlight, to make a lovely Lunaris, since I know for a fact she collects them. IF anyone deserves anything she is one of them.

Wish 32

By Shaylmesse (#13314)

I wish DW_08 (#36489) could have a Miniature Phoenix Tree. She has been an amazing friend and one of the kindest people to anyone she knows. Between giving away her spare pets, potions and other items, she is always there to help guide anyone who may need help. She also works hard and often to help keep the wiki updated so users can be well informed. She truly is an amazing person, and for that I think she deserves an MPT to help her on her goal to get all the site pets.

Wish 33

By Shadow + Wolfette (#29394)

Bara(jou) (#20789) could have Vion Seeds because she really wanted them from the black friday deal but couldn't afford them, and she's super awesome. She worked on Carnegie for me, my amazing apo hound and OC, and she put up with me desperately trying to get this thing under %30

Wish 34

By ♥Ren & Val♥ (#4118)

I wish Deeks (#33883) had a silver potion so she could make an SCC of Nerri, her dog who died recently with the PSD use I gifted her. She has been an amazing friend for many years and we bonded through our love of our pet Staffies. Losing her baby girl has been hard for her and I know how it feels having lost my own boy a few years back. I just wish she could do the thing she wants the most and make the pet of Nerri she wants so badly to make as a memorial to her precious girl. She's given me so much and I'd love to be able to give her something back, even if indirectly.

Wish 35

By Kei (#4690)

I wish that Chi (#10074) could get some much needed financial support. She needs to get her things out of storage, especially since winter is upon us and she needs things like blankets and warm clothes, but last I heard she couldn't do so. Please, if she could get the help she needs to make it through this tough time, it would be amazing. Failing that, I wish she could at least get a Walmart gift card or two to help her make ends meet. She's a very nice person who's fallen on such tough times and had the worst of luck lately.

Keep wishing, folks!

Also, a slight public service announcement:

There's a very, very small chance that wishes asking for a pendant or slashbot would be granted, but it is very small indeed. It would be better if you wish for another person something that is smaller, because there's a much higher chance it'll get granted! It's also better if you make one wish, instead of something like: "I wish for ___ a Breeding Coin, or maybe some Gold Custom Crystals, or even a Silver Potion!"

Thanks for understanding!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:51pm

Comments: 13

Okirin (#40141)

Posted on: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:18am

Congrats, DW! I'm really happy for you. :D Shay, you're an incredible friend yourself, you have to know that. :)

Congrats to the other winners!

♥Ren & Val♥ (#4118)

Posted on: Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:16am

OMG! My wish for my DQ has been granted! All these wishes are so awesome and you guys are so amazing for granting them all. Thanks a million, you've really made Deeks day with this and I hope everyone elses day with the other wishes granted too. *dances happily and snuggles everyone* ~Valhellion

Chi: Gemini (#10074)

Posted on: Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:38pm

O_O I don't even.... Who do I send the thank you notes to?! I don't even know how to say thank you for this. It was... I don't even...