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Happy Thanksgiving

Site Update

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you are celebrating this holiday, I hope you're taking some time to spend the day with your family and reflect on what you're grateful for. No matter where you live, I think appreciation is a universal sentiment.
Come share with us what you're thankful for!

And, of course, we have some small goodies to share with you.


Be sure to swing by the Advent Calendar some time today to take home your very own Thanksgiving Dinner! (I hope you have enough food for all those pets in your lair.)

In honor of the holiday, we are introducing 7 new gourmet food items for you to whip up!


From Blueberry Cobbler to Coq au Vin, we've got a variety of food to suit your tastes!

If you prefer pets to food, however, you might enjoy our 10 latest colorations.


You will find all of the new pets either in the Annoying Item Bazaar, Little Pet Shop of Horrors, or Trash for Treasure.

Make sure to grab these pets by Sunday November 25th at 11:59 p.m.!

In the spirit of being thankful and generous, it's time to announce sign-ups for our Secret Santa event!


Here's how our community-wide Secret Santa will work!
To sign up, simply create a wishlist with things you would be tickled to receive this holiday season. In order to participate, you must have a wishlist created by December 1st--at which point we will be randomly (and secretly!) pairing off users. Once you are signed up, you may edit and update your wishlist as many times as you want, even after December 1st.

After all participants are paired up, you will be able to see your partner's wishlist, but you won't know who your Secret Santa is until Christmas!

For added fun, we have provided a tab that generates 10 random wishlists in case you want to do some random gifting outside of your assigned partner. :)

We might be making some tweaks to this since this is a debuting feature, but we'll see how it goes! :D
(This idea is Slash's doing, so give him some thanks!)
see how I tied that in there.

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:29am

Comments: 55

Tea.Time [Soulwings] (#2995)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:00am

"i'm finding the native oakl a little daring, though.... historically speaking..." ~ Just wanted to mention that if natives were forgotten, we would forget the mistakes. It was out of respect, not daring or rudeness that I did the oakl. Just a tid bit for people XD Don't forget what happened. ~Ryu

DonutFish (#8407)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:27am

I'm wondering about #80's question too. Anyone can make a wishlist but not gift people. Someone might give a blue custom orb, and the other person may not have anything to return other than a few bp or whatever. In real life, everyone had to buy a gift of similar price range, so you couldn't give like a 100 dollar watch when everyone is exchanging 20 dollar worth items. I know its about giving, but I'd rather not see people feel frustrated because they gave something that wasn't very equal in value, or they don't get anything back. Maybe wishlists should be shared between more than 1 person then be like "from this pool of lists, pick ones you'd like to send annon". I know it s the season of giving, and one should give without demanding something back, but I'd rather feel a system like last year's when anyone could freely give gifts was better. There wasn't really a system of that person owing a gift back, but with secret santa there kind of is as the approach changes, thus the increase chance of feeling more, y'know. Like, tldr: inb4 rants of people feeling their exchange wasn't fair. I'm sure people will, since the last newspost had passive aggressive "I wish I had gp to buy things"

Emrys (#36208)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:40am

@Ryu: i feel like most people tend to prefer to forget what happened (and get really upset when you remind them xD), but i can appreciate your sentiment, if you put it like that. :)

Eri & -- (#17)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:51am

As far as I know, though, we're not getting rid of the normal Aymas tree, this is just in addition to that. - Eri

Lady Death (#2646)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:09am

Is the Secret Santa for RL money or is it an on-site only thing? O_o

✦ NineVulpine (#808)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:33am

I would love to do secret santa, but how will it work with lair partners? ; n ; Will only one partner get to do it, or will each person make a separate list? If everyone in the lair has to share a list, it's a bit upsetting to the other partner(s) if someone only gives one gift to the account for one partner
; 3 ; (So say I wished for a silver potion, sev wished for a holiday silver potion, and jo wished for a fertility potion, and we were given a silver potion, it isn't really fair to sev and jo that they wouldn't get a gift)

Bear - Hiatus (#11703)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:23am

Also wondering like Lady Death is if this is just on-site stuff? I'm going to submit one with a few site things and art requests but if it's including stuff to purchase with IRL money I wouldn't be able to get things. And will there be ways to anonymously message your secret santa to give art and such things to them?

Bear - Hiatus (#11703)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:37am

Also also line breaks are broken!

Micandra (#25384)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:51pm

The gifting is anon, so you will not know what you got till xmas. Neither will your giftee.

Lafae (#41581)

Posted on: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:19pm

Although I'm Canadian (and had Thanksgiving last month), I am thankful for all the friends and family I have in my life; I don't know what I'd do without them. I am thankful for my health (such as it is), my freedom, my job, my home, my school, and my kitties.

I've never been here for Secret Santa so I don't know what that is yet. Look forward to finding out.

To all the Americans - Happy Thanksgiving! Please remember the homeless.

Hugs, everyone!