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Ay vs. Ara Gameplay

Site Update

Roughly a year ago, the world of Ay fell into Famine's grasp.
The idea of famine itself as a curse seemed to be the most benevolent outcomes of the apocalypse: Conquest and War were plundering and violent, and Death was too final, but maybe you could avoid Famine.

The change wasn't obvious at first. Famine did not have the brazen swiftness of the other horses, and consequently proved to wreak the most havoc on Ay--and by extension, Ara--quietly. As sources of plant life began to wither and pools of water receded, denizens tried moving away from the decay, squandering resources and facilitating the horse's reign. Patches of Ay essentially began to die, and there was little anyone could do to stop it.

Ara emerged after Ay had already been afflicted with famine. While it enjoyed pockets of fresh air, the threat to this new world was palpable. A refuge for those fleeing the world of Ay, Ara quickly became susceptible to the inevitable presence of relentless disease, its food supply fleeting. In actuality, not only was Famine a force that stole life energy, but in some ways it was all the other three horses combined.

One year later, we have the chance to help the two worlds recover.


In Ay vs. Ara, you are a loyal dweller of your team region and will be summoned by the earth to provide the items each respective place needs to be refueled.

Each hour, your region will ask for a different item. During that hour, your objective is to turn in as many of that item as you are willing to part with. The more you turn in, the more points you will accumulate for yourself and your team.

Points are based on rarity. Our regions are humble and will only be asking for r10-r40 items. r10 items are worth 1 point each, r20 items are worth 2 points each, etc. The regions will be asking for the same items so that one area doesn't have a huge advantage or disadvantage over another, but this means you'll have to scramble for the items in demand!

So, what do you get out of all of this? -- Other than the satisfaction of helping out Ay or Ara and the thrill of competition (and bragging rights if you win). The points that you earn will be used as currency in the Ay vs. Ara edition of the Seasonal Shop! To clarify, being on the winning team does not impact your prizes since your points are based on individual contributions.

Time is of the essence: you will have 48 hours to help your team.
The last hour of the event is from 11:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. on October 7th (Sunday night).

Get ready to help your teammates out and show some Ay and Ara pride!
Swing by Aywas Talk to find your team thread if you haven't met up with anyone on your side yet. :3

The event should start at 12:00:01 a.m. (in just about an hour) if you guys don't lag the site too much... XD
Yasu and I will be around for as long as we can to make sure things run smoothly.
Note: Everything is run from the main Ay vs. Ara page, so that's where you will go to see what item you need, for turn-ins, tc.

(By the way, we've linked the Ay vs. Ara page and the Pumpkin Patch in the navigation under the Community tab. Enjoy!)

- Eri

Posted by Eri & -- (#17) on Fri Oct 5, 2012 11:11pm

Comments: 59

Squirrel Teilchen (#34278)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 9:21am

While I love this event, I just wish there would have been more tasks, so not only hoarders and people with money could get some decent amount of points.
So, for the next time, maybe add tasks for the people with time but without money to it. Say... "Go 1000 steps in explore and get 100 points for your team". Not saying not to do the item thing, just have like 2-3 different tasks to do to get points, to make it equally enjoyable for everyone. :)

Lyra (#37548)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 9:55am

This event is fantastic. I love it :)

Amagami (#10414)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 11:09am

I agree with Teilchen...hoard items is not my cup of tea,so i'm feeling useless...

Kaze (#989)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 12:29pm

Aww, I was hoping we'd get Vampires vs. Zombies again. x3 I loved going on the Zombie boards and doing "quest lines" for people while we were waiting for the items to change. I still have a drawing someone did to illustrate my "Zombie: Strike a dashing pose" quest line. Hehe. But this is a cute alternative, and I'm excited to see the items chosen for the Seasonal Shop at the end. Without the "creepy" theme, I bet we'll have some really interesting ones!

Wolfy (#35112)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 1:01pm

I sure hope I can have at least a few points, so far not getting any luck x.x Oh well, it's still a fun event ^^

Sallin (#12505)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 2:36pm

Oh you silly Purple Pony, causing mayhem and chaos. What ARE we going to do with you. 8|

RedRarebit (#28159)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 2:37pm

I kind of agree with people saying this event is a bit of a gyp. Some of us don't hoard anything, so it seems like it's a game just for one group of people.

The Wolf Above Trees (#28389)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 2:55pm

There's events for everyone at some point, Sorry this one isn't yours. You don't need to hoard to still participate. Even if you only have a couple of the items you can still HELP by giving those few! If everyone saying "this isn't for me" gave a few items over the course of 48 hours it can still push a team over the top of the other.
My only hoarding I do is try to keep 1 of every item and that's because of cooking. C8

goo761_ (#30692)

Posted on: Sat Oct 6, 2012 6:24pm

I never get rid of anything, unless it's really worth something, and yet I don't have any of this stuff... Ask for my apple coconuts or something!