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Artist Paintbrushes


Due to the previous popularity of the Gold Paintbrush, a couple of its friends have come to play.

If you're not certain what an artist paintbrush is, it's an item you can trade to an artist for their services. The artist can then redeem the paintbrush for USD via PayPal for their work.

The Gold Paintbrush is still redeemable for $15 USD.
The Blue Paintbrush is redeemable for $10 USD.
The Metal Paintbrush is redeemable for $5 USD.

These items are now available on the Purchase GP page for USD. Originally we had the Gold Paintbrush in the GP Shop but it caused us a bit of problem, so we're going to test the paintbrushes here for direct USD as there will be 100% no issue in redeeming them in this method :)

If you recall when the Gold Paintbrush was in the GP Shop, it was at a price of 45 GP. Due to the nature of it being for USD now, the price was dropped to $30.00 USD. The other paintbrushes are $20 and $10 respectively.

If you haven't been able to find someone to make custom artwork for you, scoop up a few brushes (or trade someone for them, if you don't have PayPal) and commission away!

Now, some changes (good ones!):

Originally, the brushes were only acceptable to be redeemed for custom designs. However, reintroducing them, we have changed that. Before, you couldn't use them to commission predicts and custom bases (uncolored), but are now allowing that. Custom bases (uncolored) have no restrictions, but the following restrictions on commissioning predicts with paintbrush items is as follows:

- A single metal prediction cannot be redeemed for more than $2.00
- A single LBC prediction cannot be redeemed for more than $3.00 USD
- A single BC/HBC/etc prediction cannot be redeemed for more than 5.00 USD

Why are these restrictions implemented? This is to be fair to the current artists for the breeding team.

You can mix and match your purchases with paintbrushes as long as the value of a prediction isn't exceeded in the total. For example, you could commission a set of LBC predictions (two babies for a total of $6) and a set of MBC predictions (two babies for a total of $4) in exchange for a Blue Paintbrush, and this would be acceptable.

Also, to clarify, with anything without a restriction (like pet designs), you can pay more than one brush for a design. You can also use these to commission PSD color jobs, not only completely 100% unique designs. :)

Please keep in mind that sending brushes to accounts upon purchase is a manual effort, so please be patient when waiting for your brush~

Have fun!

Posted by JAK (#15) on Thu Aug 9, 2012 8:57pm

Comments: 45

Wisp & Lei (#1343)

Posted on: Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:47am

Is there any restriction for PBC predics, or is that considered SCC comission? Also, how many predicts are needed for PBCs? Would you consider allowing Lifeseed predicts?

Heretic (#40260)

Posted on: Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:29am

I'm not an artist, but

Goat (#2608)

Posted on: Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:19am

This is a really great idea...but I see one problem; People will buy these and resell them for gold points, which could slow down actual gold point purchases. Other than that, it's a wonderful idea.

LA's DarkFireWolf (#34528)

Posted on: Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:38pm

Sweeeeeet! Oh man xD! *happy dance*

Inu (#3296)

Posted on: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:12pm

One thing I don't like is that the brushes cost double of whgat you can redeem them for. I can understand them costing a couple dollars more, but NOT double. At that price I figure you may as well comission the artist yourself.... other than that, though, I am glad brushes are back.